Monday, December 8, 2008

Bells will be ringing

(Note: a "Do you hear what I hear" update)

... In prison, for the convicts who escape and terrorize small mountain towns. So remember that fugitive that had me cowering in the living room? From what I hear, he was caught after a fairly eventful showdown at the Dairy Queen. Cop cars everywhere, at the gas station across the street and the bar down the road, just for this one guy.

And Ray got to make fun of me some more when he got home and almost cracked the door because I'd latched the chain and was crouched on the floor in our hallway, peering out to make sure it was him.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I literally laughed when I read the Dairy Queen part. I was actually about to take a sip from a can of Mountain Dew, but had to do a mini quick sip before I spewed everywhere. It was a perfect ending to that story! Oh small towns :)