Friday, January 30, 2009

Why hasn't the rhythm gotten my hips?

I love to dance. But thanks to a latin dancing aerobics class last night, I might have to stick to the Hitch move--elbows bent, sway from side to side, keep it in the center. Now, I like to think I have a fairly good sense of rhythm... timing, beats, all that. But apparently my head hasn't communicated that to my lower half. I really do think I was the second worst dancer there, other than the 45-year-old lady that refused to smile and was super stiff but you could tell she was having a blast. We had to walk in place and she was putting this weird '80s footloose groove to it. I didn't even have that going for me. I can't shake or shimmy, certainly not what the instructor or half my classmates were doing. ChaCha? Merengue? Whaaaa...? Alas, my hopes of becoming famous just to win Dancing with the Stars are dashed. I think I pulled a few muscles I didn't know could be pulled.

But you know what? It was sooooooo fun... I might just go back. Maybe the rhythm will chase me around the room until it actually does get me. Because that's the only way I'll ever look good doing those dance moves.

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

I. hate. traffic. I know, I was sooo excited to move and be closer, but it still takes me an hour or more to get to work. And my gas mileage dropped from around 350 miles per tank to 278. Eesh. That's only because it's so freakin' cold and my car heater doesn't work so I have to leave it running for 15 minutes in the morning just so my feet don't go numb by the time I get to work and so I don't run off the road because I'm sitting on my hands to keep the blood flowing.

Anyway, I'm convinced my traffic woes are all because of Ray. Why Ray? you might ask. How would he control traffic? See, Ray has this amazing ability to jinx things. If he likes a top sports team, chances are they'll start losing all their good players (and consequently, losing games) in a few years (anybody follow the NBA or the Suns? all Ray). He boldly proclaims we're actually going to be on time for something? Nope, something other than my habitual lateness will interfere with our punctuality. So in this case, we were talking about my commute last Thursday and he said, "You've had fairly good luck with traffic since you started commuting after you graduated. You haven't had to deal with any major accidents or anything." So on Friday, the traffic people on tv said the commute was lighter than normal. Yay! I thought. Ummmmm, no. It took forever! Not kidding, every morning and night since Ray's little declaration I've had to go through at least one wreck. So thank you, Ray, dear husband. I needed this. Really.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Operation Domesticating Anna Part 2

Okay, so this one involves Ray, too. We actually fixed things in the house today!

My success: Figuring out how to open the tub drain to remove the massive and gooey clog left behind by the previous owners of our townhouse. Thanks, Liquid Plumr, for not working at all. At least you gave me a money back guarantee!

Ray's success: He made our washing machine work! It hasn't been filling since we hooked it up, just running and draining. We were preparing to buy a new one (I was convinced we just needed a repairman), but when we were talking to the appliance guy about our water heater (a whole 'nother story completely) we brought up the washer problem. He immediately told us what was wrong. Wow. Easy problem to fix. But Ray did it and we were soooo glad we didn't have to buy a new one.
*FYI: If you ever hook up a washer yourself, don't push the draining hose all the way down. Apparently it creates suction or something.

Oh, yeah, and the water heater thing? Ours decides it doesn't like heating water and shuts itself off every day and a half or so. Thank goodness for the reset button. Maybe it just doesn't think it's fulfilling its destiny. Or maybe it feels like it should be another household machine, like a dishwasher or something.

Tranny appliances. Oh, boy.


Who know that it would be so hard to decide where to put all the great stuff we got from the wedding and the things we had before? I've already hung/set up candle holders, sconces, picture frames, and other randomness all over and our table is still covered with others I want to use. I guess it's because I want to have people over and I want them to see it all, but that just doesn't seem possible. I suppose I'll just have to give people tours whether they want it or not.

Speaking of things, since Ray and I have become slightly more financially secure and live in a really nice townhouse that's more house-y than apartment-y, it's hard to be content with what we have. We already have so much more than so many others, but since we moved, it's been "we can get this!" or "I wish we could get that now!" Furniture, tvs, even a car. I'm finally learning to be grateful for the things I've been given and rest in the fact that God will provide for our needs. I think I'm feeling less entitled, too. I always thought that since my family had certain things, I should have them too. Right now. Immediately. On a silver platter. But I like the fact that now we have to budget and make do for now so we can really appreciate the things we'll get in the future.

Oh, I feel like such a grown up...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Everyday moments that make me love being married #1

Sitting on the couch on a Friday night with the hubby eating Ben & Jerry's Phish Food and watching the Real World. Nothing better.

And I'm back!

Ahhh... after an exceptionally long time away from the internet, I'm finally tapping away writing inane blog posts for close friends and random strangers that happen to click a link on those close friends' more interesting/better written webpages. BUT! It's from our new townhouse in Acworth! Yay! We moved! Three months of living in the beautiful North GA mountains with absolutely nothing to do and no one to see and now we're living five miles away from a mall, three movie theatres, dozens of churches to choose from, gyms, restaurants, and NORMAL PEOPLE!!! But you know how I really wanted to leave Ellijay because of the cold? Remember when I talked about snow the first cold snap the state had? Here's the view from our apartment that day:

And here's what it looked like in Woodstock outside of our house the day we moved:

See those little white dots? Snow. Yep, that's right. It snowed on moving day. As we were trucking stuff into the house. Obviously not as much as Ellijay, but not what I wanted once we left. I don't know what I expected. I did grow up here, I know it's no Miami or anything, but come on. It's not supposed to snow this much down here! Oh, well. My commute is still only an hour. 25 miles=one hour. As opposed to 75 miles and 2.5 hours. Ah, relief.

So anyway, don't forget about me and keep stopping by, because these posts with every minute detail of my spectacular life will continue being posted, just for you. Aren't you lucky.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What a week...

So ,you know how I declared that my New Year's resolution was not to worry?

Someone upstairs has a sense of humor.

Here's my week:
Sunday, I got sick. A great thing right before you start your first full week of work, right? On Monday, the first thing my boss says to me when I walk in the door is, "Are you okay? Do you need to go home?" So in my first week I have to take sick leave that I haven't earned yet. Then, on Wednesday I had a coworker that has had no professional interaction with me tell one of my supervisors that he didn't think I was good at my job. And Thursday. Oh, Thursday.

I woke up, got ready, and left like normal. But then I realized I left my ring and watch at home. So I pull into a road to turn around. Keep in mind that it's been raining 40 days and nights, so the ground is really wet. I don't quite make it and my tires start sliding in the grass into someone's yard. The only way to avoid either sliding into the river of drainage off the mountain that's been created from the torrents or sliding into someone's house down the hill was to cut right very quickly. Further into this yard. Oh, yeah, and I stopped on top of their septic tank. How did I know? Um, remember the rain? Thanks, high water table. My car starts to sink immediately and of course I do the smart thing and spin my tires a lil' bit, flinging chunks of sewage-filled mud into the air. I called Ray, and he tried to get me out, but no. We had to call a tow truck to pull me out of someone's waste. And I stepped in the gunk earlier in my brand new $50 heels, so I'm standing around in poo-filled shoes. And because of all this I had to go home to clean up and call my boss to tell her I'll be late. Sick leave and lateness in the first week. And now I've been driving my car around with bits of fibrous poo all over my car. I look like such a redneck because my car squeaks and has more than a few scars and battle wounds.

To top off the day, Ray and I volunteered to take my parents' dog for the week while they visit Brooke in Baltimore, so I had to pick him up after work and drive really slow all the way up to Ellijay with a very rambunctious poodle in my lap. And since we've had him I've been woken up every hour on the hour every night and have had to clean up his messes four times.

Did I mention we're moving next weekend and we haven't packed?

So next year's resolution: no resolutions. They only cause problems.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Oh, the irony...

Just heard a news story about an 86-year-old woman who scared a burglar away from her house by grabbing his testicles. The cops tracked him down and booked him. The intruder's name? Michael Dick. Heh.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Operation Domesticating Anna Part 1

So all of you know by now I struggle with all things homemaking. But I like to think that the creativity I use for other things can apply to home-related things. Decorating, baking, cleaning, whatever. For example, I can't wait to get a shadow box to put some mementos from relatives in it (doily of a yellow butterfly made by my aunt--my grandmother on my dad's side's favorites-- and my great-grandmother on my mom's side's gloves and earrings). Or when I unload the dishwasher and start taking pictures of the glasses to eventually be framed and hung on the wall (don't worry, I have a vision, and pictures will be posted as soon as I'm done).

But I think my family is trying to push all that along fairly quickly. I got lots of picture frames and candleholders for Christmas, and a few baking cookbooks and oven mitts. Hmm. And for some reason, Austin (Ray's nephew) fell in love with me on New Year's and wouldn't leave me alone. I think it was because I brought cookies. Oh, it's a cruel cycle.

What's yours?

I'm usually not a big fan of new year's resolutions. I either forget what they are or get discouraged when I don't follow through with them. But yesterday Ray asked if I made one and I think I did right on the spot. So to share with the rest of you, I'm not going to worry as much. I'm typically pretty optimistic about most things. But when lots of things start to happen, I forget the good and only think about the bad. So, no more worrying. Things will be taken care of. What people think don't matter. Changes will happen.

Happy New Year!

Whew! These past few weeks have been a blur! Christmas, new job, new house... a little overwhelming.

To be honest, I'm kind of glad the holidays are over. We had to do a lot of driving, and my uncle dies a few days before Christmas and my aunt was in the emergency room Christmas Eve/Day with a stomach problem called diverticulitis. On Christmas day we went to my dad's side's gathering and it was okay, considering half the crowd lost their dad/granddad, but obvioulsy it was kind of quiet (hard considering there were at least 25 people there). On Friday we went to the funeral. And for New Year's we went to Carrollton (a two-hour drive) to celebrate with Ray's sister and her husband. In between all that we were trying to get the lease signed for our townhouse, and since the original plan was to move this weekend I started packing. Anyway, my job started Monday so I'll be glad when I can settle into a routine.

Sorry this was kind of a downer. To be resolved in posts to come.