Thursday, March 26, 2009


Less than 48 hours.
Denver is in the middle of a BLIZZARD right now.
Seriously. Wind chill 2 degrees.
Trying to figure out what to pack.
What do you pack to be inside a hot hotel all day and then out in the elements at night with no time to change?
Wasting time.
Gotta go.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm not LAST!!!

Ok. So I've never been what you call a "natural athlete." I like sports, love playing most of them (the exception? Softball. Got knocked out when I was little. I had one of those moments where I woke up and eveyone was standing over me like in the movies... but I digress). Even played soccer in high school for a few years. But was I good? No. I can't even walk without spraining ankles or bruising arms (you'd think I'd be able to see walls in my way...). I was always, ALWAYS the girl picked second or third to last, and the only reason why I was never last was because my athletic friends felt bad for me or didn't want to pick the weird people. I got used to it. I've always been more artistically gifted, and I'm okay with that.

When Ray suggested we start playing tennis a few years ago, I thought, sure. I'll make an idiot out of myself, but it'll be fun and soon it'll be out of his system and I can go back to dragging him to the Fox for musicals. Imagine my surprise when I turned out to be pretty good. Imagine Ray's surprise when I started beating him. And imagine, one more time, how shocked, absolutely shocked I was when tonight, a guy watching his girlfriend's tennis match, asked if I played on a team and if I wanted to join theirs! AGGGHHH! Super cool! That's never happened before! Someone actually watched me play a sport without laughing! And actually think I would be an asset to a team! Whhooooaaaaa. And, yay! Maybe friends, if they call me. Good week. Especially since I had a weird low yesterday. BUT! No focusing on that. Total answer to prayers on multiple levels. Yay!!! I'm the coolest ever.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wild Blue Yonder

Off I go... to Denver! Thanks to the IACP, I'll be spending almost nine days in the beautiful state of Colorado. Nine days. That's the longest I've ever been away from home before... I feel like such a big girl, traveling by myself to go on a business trip. Ha. But really, I've always wanted a job that let me travel, and now's my chance! And, one of my goals in life is to visit every state. Probably weird, I know, but to see a slice of life from every area of the US is pretty appealing. Now, there are some states that I'm okay with only driving through (Iowa? Rhode Island?), but apparently Colorado is a state to see. Too bad I have to work the whole time.

And is it bad that I'm already stressing over what to pack for this trip? I have to fit nine days worth of stuff in one suitcase. And that has to include casual and work clothes, warm and cool weather clothes, and enough stuff to go to a cocktail reception and gala dinner. But if anyone can pack tight, I'm pretty confident in my skills. My suitcase might weigh a ton, but I guarantee I won't use the big one from our luggage. Don't really know where I got these skills or honed them, but whatever.

But this trip also makes me want to go shopping for new clothes. Winter clothes. Because I don't have many. Anyone know where to get winter clothes in March?

Why, oh why?

So, Ray and I are in the process of finding a church home. Waaayyyy easier said than done in the Bible Belt. I never really found a church to go to in Athens. And I visited a lot of churches. And I know there are certain sermons that are "make it or break it" sermons for guests--money, Christmas and sex. Well, what do you think I hear at every single church I visit? Yep, narrow that one down by the time of the year. Not kidding. I've been to one church in the past five years where the first sermon I heard wasn't on finances or relationships. But I guess you get a pretty good picture about the values of a church body in how the pastor preaches on the topic and the crowd's reaction, which is nice. There have been a few that I've avoided completely after one visit and a few that made me really like the church.
But still. Five years. Two topics. Huuuuugggghhhhhhh.

That was fast...

I'm almost better. I was only sick for three days... it's like a record or something for me...

Friday, March 6, 2009

And again...

Ray got sick. Now I'm feeling that tickle in the back of my throat. Yay.

Skinnamarinky Dinky Dink

Warning: If the title of the post didn't already get that song stuck in your head, stop reading NOW!

Have you ever heard that if a song is stuck in your head, sing the whole thing to get it out? Well, I have, and to cleanse, I'm sharing my song of friendship and happiness with the world. (Please feel free to sing along out loud and do the motions for everyone to see. Spread the good feelings.)

Skinnamarinky dinky dink, skinnamarinky do
I love you
I love you in the mornin' and in the afternoon
I love you in the evenin' and underneath the moon
Skinnamarinky dinky dink, skinnamarinky do


'Nuff said.

*This post is not necessarily to be taken as criticism toward our current presient. Technically it could apply to any of the fast-talking, promise-making, lying hypocrites that we elect every year.

**But really, could anyone else's fall from grace have been so swift?