Wednesday, July 29, 2009


As a follow-up to my last post/vent, I said a few times that I weigh as much as a contestant on a "big" reality show. Slightly more, in fact. BUT! That's changing. I started trying to lose wight when I stepped on a scale in January and weighed 30 POUNDS more than when I graduated high school. And since I lost weight my freshman year at college, I gained 35 POUNDS. So I got my rear into gear. Since I know myself and I tend to give up when I get discouraged, I realized that this should be a lifestyle change. So Ray and I joined a gym, and I tried to make working out a habit. Now it is, so I'm trying to eat less and make that a habit. Once I'm used to that, I can start eating more healthy. And so far, I've lost 7 pounds in about 2 months! And I'm fitting into clothes that were tight when I got married! To keep me on the right track and since I've vented about overweight people), I feel like it's time to let you in on my journey. Now, I'm not ready to let you in on my "number", but we'll see about later. We'll talk again when I hit 10.

Oh, reality tv...

I'm sure you've heard of the show "More to Love" on Fox. I'd heard of it, didn't want to watch it. I'm just not into reality dating shows (now, any other reality tv...). But when I heard people bashing it this morning on the radio I looked into it a little more. And here are my thoughts:

-Some of those girls are still lying about their weight. I weigh as much as a contestant on the show and she is a good three sizes larger than me (and not much taller). Sorry, there's just no way.
-Since when did the word curvy become a substitution for fat? Curvy means boobs and hips, not rolls and muffin tops. Just because the average size of women in America is a 14-16 doesn't mean that's healthy. There's a point where you have to see yourself from a health perspective and not size and get your butt in shape. Don't worry, I'm yelling at myself too, remember, I weigh as much as a contestant. I know most women will never be size 2, but you can at least be the healthiest size you can be.
-I don't think the viewers are going to like what they see and I don't think the guy is as open minded as he seems. He kicked off the four heaviest women in the first episode.
-People thought this show would be about normal people. If it weren't trying to exploit women's sizes, they wouldn't have names the show "More to Love" or broadcast their height and weight along with their ages and careers.

Sorry, I guess I just had to vent.