Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Anybody there?

Have you ever had a time where you realized how badly you want things to change immediately? Here's mine. Ray is going to a bachelor party/cookout Friday night, meaning I get a night to myself! But the thing is, I'm tired of doing things either with Ray, by myself, or with family. Sure, they're all great options, but I haven't been around friends since my wedding. I don't think I've ever felt this lonely, but it's weird (and super hard) to make friends really quick in a new place. Ho-hum, woe is me. So if anyone feels like making the trek over here, please do. I'm bored and need people.

So in my last post...

Remember how sore I was? No more. I was raring to go on Saturday, and guess how far I ran (jogged... slowly...)? Two whole miles! When I haven't run that far since my senior year of high school playing soccer... Super proud of myself. And, Ray and I had already decided to run a 5K late April, so I don't have that much to train for! Yay!

That's all.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I hurt.

So Ray and I joined a gym about two weeks ago. Not for any type of New Year's resolution or anything, Ray's always been a member somewhere and we both want to get healthy. And this gym offers a complimentary session with a personal trainer to see where you are and what you need to do to reach your goals. Our guy was really cool, but when he gave us our fitness test... oh. my. goodness. I was sore before we left. And Wednesday, my legs were actually swollen. They're still swollen. And for some reason, my right calf decided it doesn't want to extend my leg anymore. I've literally been limping since then. And it still hurts. What the crap. Am I that out of shape? Granted, we did a million workouts just on our legs because he said they have our strongest muscles. But still, warm-up on the stair stepper (which has really small steps that arene't really useful for a bigfoot like me... I think I really impressed him tripping on that machine, over and over...) squats, steps with weights, more squats with medicine balls, jump squats, planks (yay abs), lunges with weights, calf raises, and more lunges. In twenty minutes.

So if anyone has any tips on how to loosen ridiculously cramped muscles, let me know.

Speaking of the gym, there was this guy there who looked like he hit the 'roids pretty hard and only walked when he was in the gym. Seriously, this guy's upper body looked like the Hulk, all bulging and veiny, but his legs could be used as a model's stand-in. Soooo skinny and not muscular. I decided to call him Foghorn Leghorn. A really good comparison if the picture wasn't painted good enough.

Everyday moments that make me love being married #3

Knowing exactly what channel the tv is set to when I turn it on if Ray watched it without me (ESPN, of course).

It gets better...

In my last post I posted a picture of a koala being rescued from fires in Australia. Get ready for the obligatory collective "Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!"

When they took this female koala (which they nicknamed Sam) to the wildlife shelter, she met Bob, another rescued koala. Now they're inseparable... from near death and pain to finding your best friend... They actually got tears from me this time. Here's the story if you want to read it:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Picture of the week

A rescue worker fighting the wildfires in Australia found a koala in the forest. Seriously, guys, I teared up when I saw this.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm procrastinating...

I really don't want to get ready for work. Don't mind going to work, but sometimes I wish I could go to work like I went to class, hair in a wet ponytail from my shower, no makeup, and a t-shirt, jeans, and flip-flops (of course not in this cold weather, silly!). Oh, the days...

I got my hair cut!

Yay! It's the first time since August... and til then I was trying to grow it out for the wedding... ick, so long and yucky. But it's shorter now and sooooo much more comfy... ahhh.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Have you heard about those one second commercials Miller High Life is doing for today's Superbowl? They decided to make one second commercials because they wanted to be frugal like the people who drink their beer. Since a 30-second ad during the Bowl costs about $3 million, they spent only $300 thousand. But here's the thing. They bought multiple one-second spots in various markets across the country. Meaning that in all, they still spent more than $3 million for all their commercials combined. Now that's just sneaky. Let everyone think it's the company for the common man and still spend the big bucks to bring in your cash for their booze. Clever. But have you seen some of these one-second commercials? Very funny. And customized for each city they'll air in. Absolutely genius. Here's the site: I never thought I'd be spreading the word about a beer company, but it's kinda funny considering I've never even drunk beer and probably never will no matter how good an ad is.

And for those who care, cheer for the Cardinals. They're the only team in the country that hasn't won a Superbowl since the leagues combined. I do love an underdog!

Everyday moments that make me love being married #2

Waking up to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking on a Saturday morning... because I love breakfast foods (and the fact that Ray loves to cook them)!