Friday, January 30, 2009

Why hasn't the rhythm gotten my hips?

I love to dance. But thanks to a latin dancing aerobics class last night, I might have to stick to the Hitch move--elbows bent, sway from side to side, keep it in the center. Now, I like to think I have a fairly good sense of rhythm... timing, beats, all that. But apparently my head hasn't communicated that to my lower half. I really do think I was the second worst dancer there, other than the 45-year-old lady that refused to smile and was super stiff but you could tell she was having a blast. We had to walk in place and she was putting this weird '80s footloose groove to it. I didn't even have that going for me. I can't shake or shimmy, certainly not what the instructor or half my classmates were doing. ChaCha? Merengue? Whaaaa...? Alas, my hopes of becoming famous just to win Dancing with the Stars are dashed. I think I pulled a few muscles I didn't know could be pulled.

But you know what? It was sooooooo fun... I might just go back. Maybe the rhythm will chase me around the room until it actually does get me. Because that's the only way I'll ever look good doing those dance moves.

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