Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One year!

Obviously I'm a little late on this, but a few weeks ago, Ray and I hit the big #1. First anniversary. I have to admit, it was a little anticlimatic since we dated for 7 years (why celebrate such a short time when we've already made it past the 7-year itch?), but a good day nonetheless. We decided before our wedding that we wouldn't give each other presents (didn't for our wedding either), but instead spend that money on doing something we've never done/really like to do. So this year was for me... we went rock climbing! I'm seriously thinking about picking this up as a hobby, so it was awesome.

Anyway, after one year, I'm obviously wise enough to impart some marital wisdom into your lives. So here are a few observations I've made:

1. When we got married, people told us the first year is the hardest. At one year, people told us the honeymoon is over. If the hardest year of your marriage is the honeymoon, I can't wait to deal with the rest of life's problems. I don't feel like this year was a cakewalk, but I also don't think we dealt with a honeymoon phase since we've been together so long. So don't put stock in either of these sayings, please. It's not worth it and it just depends on how you want to view things.

2. I'm convinced that people who get divorced within a year really didn't talk AT ALL before their marriage. EVERY argument we've had boils down to a basic issue we talked about a million times before. That being said, talk, compromise. Talk, compromise. Talk some more, and then compromise one more time.

3. Budget. A lot. Every penny. And budget in some savings and tithe. Thanks to Ray, we're working on a budget influenced by about half Dave Ramsey, half Clark Howard. And both people need to know what's going on with the finances.

4. Decorate wherever you live immediately, or it really never will get done. I still have unfilled picture frames lined up underneath our bar and we have ONE curtain hung over a window on our back door. One. And that was just to replace paper towels that were taped over it for about two months. (The towels said "Home Sweet Home"... we kind of missed them for a few weeks.)

5. Work out a system and stick to it. I do laundry, Ray does dishes. Ray kills bugs, and I'll take care of any reptiles if they ever manage to sneak into the house.

6. Get a calendar to keep track of the other's schedule and create a list of important dates. Well, that's probably good to have for anyone. If I forgot your birthday this year, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Don't you feel more prepared for marriage? :) I should be a counselor ir something.

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