Monday, June 22, 2009

So long...

Since I've blogged! I think it's because nothing is really going on right now. When I started this thing, I was graduating, getting married, finding a job, a house... Now I have my degree, I'm married, I have a house, and a job... and life is fairly normal right now. My friend Leslie and I used to talk about how we didn't like the word "content" because we felt like a lot of people used it as a synonym for "complacent." But I feel like content is the only word to describe me right now. I love my job, I love my hubby, we're settling in to a church and friends and family and we have somewhat of a routine... I never thought I'd say this, but I'm happy where we are, ready to grow as a person instead of ticking off major life goals. Huh.

So just so you know, posts will probably be fewer and farther between. Sorry. I have laundry to do.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Oh the word content.. lol..